What is the annual gross profit and interest paid for each customer, summarized by branch, product, and region? 按照支行、产品和地区汇总,要付给每位客户的年净利润和利息是多少?
As a gross rule of thumb, Schematron assert elements express expected document patterns, while report elements express patterns of particular interest. 根据大致经验,Schematronassert元素表达预期的文档模式,而report元素则表达具体的模式。
Assume that the Gross Profit is based on the calculation of ( the investment return of the account balance)-( the interest paid). 假定净利润基于(投资收益)-(所付利息)的计算。
The US economic expansion faltered badly in the first quarter with gross domestic product rising by a sluggish 0.2 per cent annual pace, which could influence policy makers 'decision on when to lift interest rates. 今年第一季度美国经济扩张严重受挫,年化国内生产总值(GDP)增长率仅0.2%,这可能影响政策制定者关于何时加息的决定。
Today, the private sector is saving 9 per cent of gross domestic product at zero interest rates, a shockingly high number. 目前,在零利率水平下,私人部门储蓄仍占到国内生产总值(GDP)的9%,这一数字之高令人震惊。
People thought that Gross had no interest in letting everyone know what he was doing on a daily basis. 当时人们以为格罗斯没有兴趣让所有人都知道他每天在进行什么交易。
With flat nominal gross domestic products, countries with high interest rates are at risk of falling into a debt trap. 由于名义国内生产总值(gdp)增长陷入停滞,债息高企的国家正面临着跌入债务陷阱的风险。
Mr gross was also concerned that inflation, which erodes the fixed payments received as interest on bonds, would soon rise and spark the selling of Treasuries; investors would demand a higher return to compensate for that risk. 因为通胀会侵蚀债券利息这项固定收入,格罗斯还担忧通胀将很快抬头,进而促使投资者抛售国债;投资者将要求得到更高的回报,以补偿这种风险。
The gross income from all sources less all operating and administrative expenses, excluding depreciation, interest, other non-cash charges and other charges on debt, and taxes. 即各种来源的总收入,减去所有的业务和行政支出(不包括折旧、利息、其他非现金费用和债务费用以及税)。
Household debt has fallen by about 10 per cent as a share of gross domestic product, low interest rates mean the cost of servicing it has plummeted, and the savings rate seems to have stabilised at about 4 per cent. 家庭债务对国内生产总值(gdp)的比率下降了大约10%,低利率意味着家庭偿债成本已大幅降低,而储蓄率似乎已经稳定在大约4%的水平上。
Its gross government debt as a share of GDP is significantly lower than that of the US, and the Bank of Canada has begun to normalise monetary policy by raising interest rates. 政府总债务占gdp比率大大低于美国,加拿大央行(bankofcanada)已经开始提高利率,实施正常的货币政策。
In both scenarios, growth in gross domestic product would slow rapidly to an annual rate close to 1 per cent by the end of this year, but the recovery would take longer with interest rates unchanged. 在两种情况下,到今年年底,英国国内生产总值(GDP)年增幅都将快速下降至接近1%的水平,但如果维持利率不变,复苏就会需要更长时间。
The gross domestic product data suggest the economy has enough momentum to keep bringing down unemployment, adding fuel to the debate at the US Federal Reserve about when interest rates need to rise. 国内生产总值(GDP)数据似乎表明,美国经济具备足够强的动力足以继续推低失业率,这增强了美联储(Fed)围绕何时需要加息的辩论。
Finally, this paper has explained the governmental regulative target about hot money gross and regulative way about interest rate. 最后,就股市游资需要量进行了模型描述,并说明了政府对游资量的调节目标和利率调节方式;
Policy can produce any expected change of the Gross National Product and the combination of Rate of Interest. 财政政策和货币政策的混合可产生任何希望的国民生产总值变化和利率组合。
The expressions of lever coefficients are obtained according to four factors of the sales volume, unit gross profit, period fixed cost, interest in the different conditions. 根据销售量、单位毛利、期间固定成本、债务利息四个因素的不同状态,得到了相应的杠杆系数表达式。
The total investment in the construction of the project includes gross expenditures for the main works, expenditures for resettlement and land acquisition for construction, independent fees, basic reserve funds, reserve funds for price differences, and interest for loans during construction. 三峡工程总投资包括枢纽建筑物总费用、建设征地和移民安置费用、独立费用、基本预备费、价差预备费和建设期贷款利息等六大部分。
Making monetary policy has a key assumption which requires a stabile relationship between monetary aggregate and its determinants such as gross income, interest rate or inflation. 货币政策能够发挥效用有一个关键前提:货币总量与货币政策目标如通货膨胀、名义收入增长等存在稳定的关系,即需要一个稳定的货币需求函数。